

On November 8 and December 12 Krimidinner starts into the next round with "Sir Williams Secret". Slip into the role of detectives and investigate a mysterious crime together. Accompanied by a 3-course menu, this special evening entertainment will be an unforgettable experience. Immerse yourself in the world of Hanekenfaehr, a place full of crime suspense and high pleasure. Our tip: Get your tickets now - tickets are already available.

Exciting - interactive - funny

The story: Friends and business partners are invited to a festive gala dinner. But then a horrible murder happens in front of the guests. Numerous complications, unexpected twists and funny interludes and punchlines punctuate the further course of the evening. The inspector presses for a quick clarification and sets up special commissions to support the further investigation. Unmask the murderer and his secret. Many a pitfall is laid and nothing is as it seems.

Click here for tickets: